The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Monday, August 6, 2007

33 Weeks!

It's been a busy day so far...
I've had a BPP (Biophysical Profile) along with a growth ultrasound, the babies have been monitored, the doctor came to see me and I had a consultation with the lactation consultant. All of this has made the morning go by quickly, which is SOOO nice! I'll probably take a nap this afternoon and call it a productive day :)

I'll start with the babies...they are both looking great and showed good growth over the last 2 weeks. William's weight is estimated at 5 lbs 2 oz (gain of 1 lb) and Maggie is estimated at 4 lbs 2 oz (gain of just under a lb), so they are exactly a pound apart. William is measuring just over 36 weeks and Maggie is measuring just under 33 weeks. Seems to me that I'm going to have a big boy and a petite girl! The discordance in their sizes has increased a little, but no one seems too concerned. William decided that being head-down wasn't fun anymore and has moved into a transverse position (laying across my belly). Because of him being transverse and Maggie being breech I have to have a mandatory c-section. A c-section was the plan all along, but it makes me feel better that I don't have to make the "choice"...God made it for us! Both babies got an 8/8 on their BPP.

I'm am hanging in there and definitely have good/bad days. I am missing Brandon and Jackson so much and would do just about anything to be home with them (anyone want to kidnap me??). I have lost weight since being in the hospital...I have no idea how that could happen since all I do is eat and lie in bed. As long as the babies are gaining, that's the most important thing! And, it just means that there will be a little less weight for me to lose after the babies. I asked the doctor this morning if I could have wheelchair privileges and was turned down. He mentioned that because of the way William is lying I could be more than 3 cm dilated so I guess he wants pressure to stay off of my cervix. What a bummer though! My nurse was who suggested I ask for the wheelchair since things have been going so well.

I had a consultation with a NICU doctor yesterday. He was pretty optimistic about how they'd do even if they were born right now. He said that if they are born at 33 weeks, they will probably be in the NICU 2-3 weeks and their biggest issues would probably be feeding and regulating their body temps. He was glad to hear that I've had 2 rounds of steroids for their lungs and didn't seem to think that would be much of an issue. He also said that the vast majority of babies born at 33 weeks went on to have totally normal, healthy lives. It's comforting for me to know that they have a good shot at being very healthy and their likelihood of facing developmental delays (due to being preemie) is not much more than full-term babies. I'm still planning to cook these babies as long as possible, but it's nice to hear such positive stuff from the Neonatologist. A nurse told me last night that I'm to the point where the babies will be fine, but now they are focused on keeping them inside long enough so they can come home with me instead of staying in the NICU. As much as I am tired of being pregnant (and adamantly do NOT want to do this again), I want Maggie and William to have the best shot at a healthy life...which means sticking this pregnancy out as long as possible. Please say a prayer for me that the time will pass quickly...I know that their birthday is already chosen by God and I just have to be patient. Besides, it's can't be more than 3-4 weeks, right :)

I'll post more later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad that you have made it this far! 33 weeks is how far along i was when william was born. he was 4 lb 12 oz and stayed in the nicu only 9 days! i'm praying that they will stay in your tummy a little longer and that the Lord will grant you grace and strength to get through this time of waiting. i only wish i could be there to come and sit with you and help you pass the time. i love you girl!