The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Visit from Mimi

Mimi is here for a visit through Thursday afternoon. She met me at the specialist on Monday and was able to be there for the ultrasound. The babies are doing great! William is 2 lbs 6 oz and Maggie is 2 lbs 4 oz...the doctor was very pleased with their progress. At the end of the ultrasound the tech switched to 4D, so we got to see what the babies look like. It was pretty cool. William had one hand next to his head and his other hand in his mouth. Maggie is snuggled up next to my uterus, like it's a pillow. The doctor lifted some of my I'm on modified bedrest which means I can be up 2 hours during the day. I can also go up and down the stairs 2x a day. Lastly, the doc said that I can go to a movie OR dinner OR church, etc. 1x a week. I've very excited that things are going well enough that the doc felt comfortable giving me some additional priveleges! I hadn't been upstairs in 3.5 weeks, so it was very fun to go upstairs and see Jackson's new room and the nursery painted. I also got to sleep in my own bed!

Jackson has really enjoyed having Mimi here. They have played each day until they were both exhausted! Last night Jackson wanted to put on his AU jacket and baseball cap...he looked pretty cute! Needless to say, it is WAY too hot to wear the jacket outside (though, he did try this morning). Jackson's favorite thing to play with right now is his bat and ball. Mimi pitched the ball to him and he was able to swing and hit the ball seven times!

This morning Jackson and Mimi played outside, then he rode his bike around the neighborhood. He's doing really well on the bike and is almost able to peddle it. He has really hated wearing the helmet, but is not aloud on the bike without it...he's finally giving in without a fight. The first couple times he wore the helmet it pinched the skin on his neck so he was very leery of putting it on for a while.

Brandon was traveling yesterday and today for work, but is home now. Jackson practically tackled him when he walked in the door...the boy sure does love his daddy! I talked to the nurse from my OB office and found out that I failed the 1 hour glucose test (which I also failed while pregnant with Jackson). I have to go on Friday morning to take the 3 hour test. Please say a prayer that I pass...I really don't want to have to worry about gestational diabetes.

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

lo0ve them both! jackson is getting sooooo big! can't believe my eyes! :-)