The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Monday, June 4, 2007

Things Can Change In The Blink Of An Eye

Thursday, May 31, 2007 (23 weeks, 3 days)
Last Thursday night, Jackson and I went to watch Brandon play in his final softball game of the season. Jackson had a great time running up and down the fence and watching daddy. Afterward we grabbed a quick bite to eat and I noticed that my back was hurting a lot and I was a little crampy. I've been told when that happens that I need to get off my feet and drink a lot of water. We ran by Target on the way home to pick up some diapers. While there I went to the restroom and noticed that I was bleeding pretty bad. I called my OB to let them know what was going on and he had us drive straight to the Labor & Delivery department at the hospital (he'd called ahead to let them know I was on the way). My Dad and Janine met us there to pick up Jackson for the night (thank you!). I was taken to a triage room and they immediately did an ultrasound and some other tests to try to figure out what was happening. I ended up having 2 ultrasounds on Thursday night which showed the twins were doing good, but it looked like William's placenta was separating from my uterine wall. We were told that I would be admitted to the hospital for an indefinite time frame. Over the next 24 hours, I would receive 2 injections to mature the babies lungs in case they were going to be delivered early and IV antibiotics to help with any possible infections.

Friday, June 1, 2007 (23 weeks, 4 days)
I was up most of last night with nurses coming in and out of my hospital room. They were monitoring the babies heartrates and possible contractions. I saw my OB, a Perinatologist (high risk OB doc) and had an ultrasound (US) today, along with all the other monitoring. The US still showed a possible placenta abruption and a blood clot in my uterus. The docs let me know that I would be in the hospital until at least Sunday and could be here for weeks. Because I'm carrying twins, bleeding and only in my 23rd week, I am considered high-risk. Mom and Megan drove up Friday afternoon so that they could see me and help Brandon with Jackson. Mom spent the night with me Friday night...I know one of her reasons was so that SHE could make sure that I was getting the best care possible! We normally have "family dinner" on Friday nights, so most of the family came up to the hospital and we all ate Chick-Fil-A together. My bleeding was progressively getting better, then started again a little late Friday night.

Saturday, June 2, 2007 (23 weeks, 5 days)
Since the babies have continued to look so good, I have been taken off of the continuous fetal monitoring. Now, the nurses will put me on the monitor for 15-30 minutes every 12 hours. I am on strict bedrest (bathroom privileges and 1 shower daily). It's hard to not be able to get up and move around like I'd like to do, but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure the babies are safe! The doctor came in today and said that I would not be able to leave until Monday at the earliest because they want to continue monitoring my progress. She did allow the IV to be taken out and has stopped my antibiotics, which is very nice! I was also told that I'd be moved from the Labor & Delivery floor to the High Risk Pregnancy unit...I finally got moved to my new room tonight around 11pm. It is a very nice room which feels a little less clinical than the rooms on the L&D floor.

Sunday, June 3, 2007 (23 weeks, 6 days)
Brandon took Jackson down to Columbus today (1/2 way to Dothan) to meet Trey, so that Jackson can spend the week with Mimi. It is hard to not get to see him this week, but will be much better for us since I don't know yet when I'll leave the hospital...and I'll have to be on bedrest at home. It'll give Brandon and I some time to adjust to my bedrest before we add an energetic 2 1/2 year old to the mix! All in all today was a pretty good day. I didn't have any bleeding today until midnight, which pushes my discharge from the hospital out at least 24 hours...bummer!

Monday, June 4, 2007 (24 weeks)
Today I saw the regular OB, Perinatologist and had 2 US's. The US's looked really good and the doctors now don't think that I have a placental abruption...which is great news! I am very anemic so I now have to take 2 iron pills a day (which I also did with Jackson). The OB said that I had to continue on strict bedrest today, but as long as there is no other bleeding I can be up a little bit tomorrow to see if walking around triggers new bleeding. If I am up/about and don't start bleeding I can possibly go home by Tuesday evening (on strict bedrest at home, though). The doctor did say that if I go home and start bleeding again that I'll be re-admitted until the babies I'll definitely plan to take this bedrest thing seriously!! The perinatologist came in this afternoon and agreed with my OB's plan. They both have said that my goal is to get to 28 weeks...after that milestone we'll work on reaching 30, 32, 34+ weeks. Last Thursday I turned my resignation in at work for my last day to be June light of the past several days it looks like my last day was Thursday. I'll be on strict bedrest for the next 4 weeks and will possibly be upgraded to modified bedrest if all continues to go well. Thank you all for your prayers, support and caring as we start this new phase of our journey. I'll try to keep the blog updated regularly as we walk our new path.


Anonymous said...

I can somewhat relate to what you're going through and want ya'll to know that we'll be praying for you as you go through this process of waiting. The Lord has each one of you, including these precious babies, in His strong arms. Please know that we love you!

Anonymous said...

We are enjoying Jackson. Cassidy is wore out but loving having him here. I know you miss him but he is in good hands. They had a blast at the zoo. I am in workshops all week in Troy. I will call you tomorrow. Give babies a pat on the tummy for us. We love you and are praying for you. Tonya