The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hospital Update

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 (24 weeks, 2 days)

The past two days have been pretty uneventful. I am still in the hospital...will be until I don't have any type of bleeding/spotting for 24 hours. Yesterday, I was allowed to walk around the halls for 30 minutes (the docs want to see if being up triggers more bleeding). Jen was visiting when I was allowed to get up so she and I walked the halls for about 20 minutes. It was really nice to get out of bed, but made it painfully obvious that I'd been laying on my back for 5 days. I started having back pain and had to come back to my room before the 30 minute walk time limit was up so that they could monitor me for contractions. The walking also triggered some spotting, which let us know that I'd definitely be here for another day at least. I've been keeping busy with the laptop, books, phone and tv...definitely a different kind of busy that chasing Jackson around!

Speaking of my sweet son...Mimi and Doff took Jackson, Coleman and Cassidy to the Montgomery Zoo yesterday. Jackson was most excited about seeing the lions. :) They had a great time and all went home exhausted!

Today I was having some bad pains in my back, which I attribute to laying down so much. I was so uncomfortable that the nurse let me sit in the recliner in my room for 30 minutes. Normally, sitting in the recliner would take the place of walking around, so I made her promise me that I would still get my daily walk. I don't think sitting in the chair helped my back feel better, but it was nice to be out of the bed! The only downside was that I started spotting again, so now we're back to the 24 hour countdown. I waited until Brandon came to the hospital this evening to take my walk...I also have "terrace privileges" which means I can sit on the terrace for 30 minutes, 2 times a day. Normally a nurse would have to wheel me out to the terrace and back to my room, but we combined my daily walk with the terrace instead. We walked around the floor for 15 minutes, then walked out to the terrace and sat outside for the last 15 minutes. Dad & Janine came to visit while we were felt almost "normal" to be sitting outside in the sun, talking with family. I'm in such a weird situation right now that I'll take as much "normalcy" as I can get!

While we were walking, Brandon and I passed by the nursery several times. There was a little girl and a little boy in the window. We're both amazed to think that we could be looking into that nursery in a couple months and see a boy & girl in the window...and they'll both be ours! It's a bit scary and overwhelming, but certainly a blessing.

Thank you all that have called/emailed/visited, etc. Brandon and I feel totally surrounded by love and support. We feel the prayers that are being said for the babies and for us. We could not get through this without an amazing support system, but most importantly an Amazing God.

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