The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Friday, June 15, 2007

Another Good Dr. Appointment!

We had an appointment yesterday at my regular OB. The babies continue to look good and the doctor is pleased with my progress as well. I asked about bedrest and was told that I'd be on it until at least 28 weeks, then they would consider modifying it a bit. The doctor did give me a couple more privileges, which I'm very excited about. I am now able to sit up 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes and I can drive myself to my doctor appointments! Sitting for 20 minutes may not seem like much, but when you're on your back 24 hours a day, sitting in a chair sounds like heaven!

Nene kept Jackson and Morgan at my house yesterday because Marianne's (babysitter) husband was having surgery. It was a really nice day! I enjoyed listening to the kids playing in the playroom and getting to interact with them some. Jackson was very content staying at home all day and showered Nene with kisses and hugs.

I am very excited that Peppy and Kim are on their why up here as I type! They are going to help us do some projects (set up Jackson's big boy room) and cook lots of meals to fill the freezer. Jackson stayed home with me this morning (we snuggled in my bed and watched cartoons), then went to Eliza's house to play. Eliza turned 4 this week and is very into ballet and I won't be too surprised if Jackson comes home in a princess costume! I thought he would have a hard time leaving when Sally (Eliza's mom) walked over to get him, but he just walked right out with her (whew!!)...he was very excited to get to play at Eliza's house! I just got a call from Sally...she said that Jackson is playing baseball with Eliza and Scott (older brother) and doesn't want to come home. She asked him if he wanted to see his mommy and he said "no, play!" I'm so glad that he's having such a great time!!

I won't be able to go upstairs to see Jackson's new room so I'll have to rely on pictures...once Brandon takes some I'll post them on here!

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