The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Jackson's Sleep Chart

As you know, we moved Jackson into his new room last weekend. Initially, he did very well going to sleep in his new bed, but for the past several nights he's struggled a bit at bedtime. As an incentive for him to go to/stay in bed, I made a "sleep chart" and we hung it on the fireplace. Every night that Jackson sleeps in his bed he gets a star on his chart...and when he gets a star he also gets a skittle (big treat for him). After he gets 4 stars in the same week, he'll get to go to the dollar store to pick out a prize...if he gets to 7 stars in one week he'll get two prizes. So far the chart is working pretty well. Thursday night I sang to him (from the couch) for about an hour before he fell asleep and last night I sang for about 30 minutes. He's had a lot of change/upheaval in his life in the last month and is dealing with them the best he can.

Last night before going to bed he got to put a sticker on his chart for staying in his *room* Thursday night. No, he wasn't in his bed...he slept on the floor next to the door, but we wanted to make a big deal about him staying in his room all night. I've attached a couple pictures of him putting his sticker on the chart last night.

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