The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

William apparently decided he'd had enough time in his crib this morning and if mommy wasn't going to get him out, then he'd do it himself! That's right, sweet William, the laid-back twin, threw himself out of his crib after his morning nap. I was doing dishes and heard a loud crash, thud, scream and immediately knew what had happened. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could to get to him (Jackson was running up right behind me!). William was on the floor crying. After looking him over I figured he was okay, but he still needed some major comforting. Jackson, the sweetest big brother in the world, went to his room and picked out his favorite book for me to read to William.

I called Brandon to let him know what happened...and to remind him that we would be lowering the crib mattresses tonight. I asked which baby he thought had climbed out and knew he'd say Maggie since she's pretty strong-willed (and it just seemed like something she'd do). He was pretty surprised to hear it was William :) No worries, the mattresses have been lowered and bumpers removed.

Tonight as I was putting Maggie to bed Jackson gave her a hug and kiss and said "bemember, i always wuv you." Is that not the sweetest?!?!

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