The Norris Family

The Norris Family

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our life in pictures

WARNING: Picture overload!
Twins sharing (or fighting over!) a toy :)
Jackson is a bit camera shy these days, but I managed to get a smile out of him.
Maggie loves the exersaucer and Brandon and I love the curl on top of her head!
William sitting on his own. Maggie mastered this a few weeks ago, but William is finally onboard!
We've had lots of sickness in our house lately. When anyone is sick I usually remove the couch pillows and make a bed for them downstairs in the family room. This day the pillows were stacked next to the hutch in the dining room. If you look closely, you'll see that Jackson thought this would be a good place for a nap. What a weird-o!
Close-up of Jackson under hutch. Yes, he did need some help getting out of there after he finally woke up!
Mommy and her girl...what a difference in coloring!
Jackson inherited this train set from a neighbor and has had lot of fun playing with it. The babies especially like to watch the train go round and round.
Aunt Meg and William
Morgan, Matthew and Jen at hospital. Morgan loves to give Matthew hugs and kisses!
Peppy and Matthew
Granddaddy and Maggie
That's it! Hope you all enjoyed the new pictures. The kids are all doing great and are a source of joy for Brandon and me. Maggie and William's personalities are beginning to show...they are both good babies and very happy, which makes mothering twins a lot easier! Jackson continues to be a great big brother. The twins absolutely light up when he walks into the room...I love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such sweet pictures! Those are precious babies... all three of them! I'm so glad they are being good for you these days.